Rythm is a popular music platform through which you can listen and share music with your friends. It is one of the most popular integrations on Discord. There are many different Rythm discord bot commands. However, keeping up with all of these commands can be challenging.
Keep reading to learn all of the Rythm Discord Bot Commands that you can use to efficiently use the platform.
Rythm Discord Bot Commands – Slash Commands
- /bassboost: on/off bass boosting effect.
- /clear: Resets the queue
- /debug: Display important information you can use for debugging.
- /disconnect: Disconnect Rythm from the Discord channel.
- /effects clear: Reset all of the audio effects
- /effects help: Display a thorough list of all audio effects
- /effects list: Display the enabled audio effects
- /forceskip: Skip the song being played by force.
- /forward: Play the next track.
- /grab: Send the current track through a direct message.
- /help: Display the about us section of Rythm
- /invite: Learn how you can display information on how to invite Rythm
- /join: Invite the bot to your voice channel
- /leavecleanup: Delete songs from users that have left the voice channel
- /loop: Keep the current song on loop.
- /loopqueue: Keep the entire queue on loop.
- /lyrics: Shows the lyrics of the current playing song
- /move: Move a song from a certain position in the queue.
- /nightcore: Turn on/off the Nightcore audio effect.
- /nowplaying: Display the information about the current playing song.
- /pause: Pause the song that is currently playing.
- /ping: Evaluate the response time of Rythm.
- /play: Insert a song into the queue.
- /playnow: Play a selected song quickly.
- /sotd: Display song of the day.
- /sotm: Display song of the month.
- /sotw: Display song of the week.
- /playsotd: Play the song you have selected as song of the day.
- /playsotm: Play the song you have selected as song of the month.
- /playsotw: Play the song you have selected as song of the week.
- /playtop: Insert a song into the top of the queue.
- /queue: Display all of the songs in the queue.
- /remove: Remove a specific song from the queue.
- /removedupes: Eliminate duplicate songs from the queue.
- /replay: Reset the song that is currently playing.
- /resume: Resume the song.
- /rewind: Rewind the song.
- /search: Search a song.
- /seek: Visit a specific point of the song.
- /settings alwaysplaying: Access the always playing mode of Rythm.
- /settings announcesongs: Access the song announcement mode of Rythm.
- /settings autoplay: Access the auto playing function of Rythm.
- /settings defaultvolume: Sets the default volume of the song.
- /settings djonly: Limit the function of enqueuing songs to DJs.
- /settings djplaylists: Limit the function of enqueuing playlists to DJs.
- /settings maxqueuelength: Restrict the size of the queue.
- /settings reset: Reset the settings to turn them to default.
- /shuffle: Shuffles the queue
- /skip: Skip the song that it currently playing.
- /skipto: Skip the current song to a specific point.
- /slowed: Turn on the slowed audio effect.
- /speed: Turn on / off the speed effect.
- /volume: Modify the volume.
By using these Rythm Discord Bot Commands, you will be able to efficiently use the Rythm and enjoy playing songs with it.