A Dumb Day Trello | Roblox

A Dumb Day Trello

A Dumb Day Trello

A Dumb Day (also known as ADD) is a popular ROBLOX game and community based on the anime and manga series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. This game was further developed by PROXDGAMER00 (Staticaliza) and other developers after being inspired by A Bizarre Day. Right now, IPROXDGAMER00 and the other devs create all of the game’s assets ourselves, including the scripts, animations, and models, without stealing any more (which is a bad thing to do). The game has a relatively small player base, but we offer the majority of high-quality updates to keep the small player base entertained.

We will inform you about Roblox A Dumb Day Trello and Roblox A Dumb Day Bosses Guides in this article.

Official Trello of A Dumb Day 

Trello Link & Wiki – A Dumb Day: https://trello.com/b/WC3WKwEk/a-bizarre-universe

You can also check the Fandom:

Fandom Link & Wiki – A Dumb Day: https://a-dumb-day.fandom.com/f


  • Stand Storage – 6 Stand Slots & Free
  • MunxSeb – Map 3 – Current 
  • PROXDGAMER00 – Map 3
  • Father_Pucci – Map 3
  • winn_eightytwo Alternative Universe – Map 3
  • BluestEndermanes – Map 2 | Oldest
  • Holo-Dummy – Map 3
  • Strelizia_XX – Map 3

The Whom You Don’t Know

Players can access the standing storage through an NPC in the game named Whom You Don’t Know. Any of your stands may be stored without incurring any penalties.

There are presently 6 spots (formerly 3); future updates might add more. To access the standing storage, you must have at least 75% of your health. An extremely seasoned member of A Dumb Staff, MunxSeb, is the user behind “The Whom You Don’t Know.” She is currently retired and not working. The standing storage was handled by a number of NPCs. The final NPC came from Map 3. 


The data is comprehensive, current, and has the official seal of approval that it was created by collaborators with direct team review. I hope that this will assist you in creating new game experiences.

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