The biggest advantage that video games have over the rest of the world is the ability to feel stories so complete and incredible that they easily catch us . From epic battles to survival challenges like those presented by games like Ark that have been marveling the world in recent years. That is why today we bring you the Ark console commands .
All this in order to prepare them for a lonely odyssey where you can put all your instincts to the test to survive an island full of creatures and obstacles that will try to annihilate you . Without a doubt, a story that you have to try.
Before going into the console commands ARK matter, it is important for those who do not yet know this great game to know what it is about. In this sense, we can define it as a role-playing game, or RPG, where you will start with a completely naked character with the sole objective of surviving the dangers of ARCA, the lost island.
What are these Ark Console Commands for?
It may not always be possible to coincide with the use of tricks or cheats in games and their enormous capacity to demoralize the spirits of their users by making them “too easy” to overcome. However, in the case of Ark Console Commands we can say that they have a particular appeal.
In this vein, when expressing the importance of these commands for the game, we can only focus on the ability to make it easier for you to play a video game that is quite complex by itself.
So, in many cases, using the Ark Console Commands ends up facilitating the understanding and development of the players within this incredible story that the gamer universe brings us.
How are Ark Console Commands activated?
After having done this little tour of the basic concepts of the game as well as a brief definition of what the Ark Console Commands deals with as well as their importance. It is time to start walking the path that will lead us to these commands that, without a doubt, will greatly facilitate life on ARCA island.
In this sense, the first thing we have to know is how to activate the Ark Console Commands once we are in the game . The truth is that it is a fairly simple process that consists of opening the Ark console by pressing the Tab key, or Tab as it is commonly known.
Once inside it, we just need to start writing all the tricks that we want to activate and press the Enter key to activate them and press the Tab key again to close the console. If you want to deactivate its effect, repeat the same procedure and with this you will be able to do all the commands that you will know below.
Ark Console Commands
Before talking about the Ark Console Commands it is important to make a small note that we overlook. It is that within this guide we decided to append some Ar codesk: Genesis as it shares all the cheat commands that you will see below. The difference is that in that space you will see only exclusive tricks from that server because it is one of the most popular in the game.
Without further ado, it’s time to get to know all the Ark Console Commands that will help us survive and experience a unique adventure of its kind.
Ark Console Commands: Functional
| Function </ td> |
God | Toggle god mode, protects you from all damage (except drowning). |
InfiniteStats | Recharge health, stamina, oxygen, food and water. |
GMBuff | Godmode plus infinitestats and additional experience points. |
EnemyInvisible | All creatures ignore you, even when they attack you. |
LeaveMeAlone | Combine the God, InfiniteStats and EnemyInvisible cheats. |
ChangeSize value | Change your size by this multiplier, the default is 1. |
Fly | Use ‘Walk’. |
Ghost | Activate noclip mode. Use ‘Walk’ to disable. |
GiveEngrams | Unlock all crafting recipes. |
GiveEngramsTekOnly | Provides all engrams. |
GiveColors | Give an amount to each dye |
DoTame | Dinosaur headed tames (if tame). |
ForceTame | Tames dino directed, and dino is mountable even without a saddle. |
ForceTameAOE Radius | Tell us in the specified radius (default is 2000). |
Ark Console Commands: Armors
There is actually only one command that calls out the various armor available in the game. However, it is important to know the correct way to use this particular trick and more so because it is one of the most important in the game.
| Description |
GiveArmorSet Tier Quality | Supply a setfull armor for the specified level. |
Rebar codes
| |
| Word |
0 | Cloth |
1 | Chitin |
2 | Metal or Flak |
3 | Tek |
N / A | Hide |
Fur | |
Desert | |
Ghillie . | |
Riot | |
Scuba | |
Hazard | |
GiveWeaponSet Tier Quality | Supplies all weapons at the specified level. |
GiveItemSet Tier | Provides all items at the specified level. |
Ark Console Commands: Dinosaurs
A great attraction of Ark is the possibility of living with dinosaurs at all times. With the codes that you will see in this segment, you will have the possibility of manipulating some options related to them.
| Achievement |
Summon type | Spawn a specified creature at your location. |
SummonTamed type | Spawn a tamed creature at your location. |
GMSummon “type” level | Spawn a tamed creature of a set level |
GiveDinoSet type quantity | Spawn set of dinos with saddles. |
As you could see, you will need some kind of identification codes to be able to take full advantage of these Ark commands. It should be noted that you will see them in the next table. Not without first clarifying that in the part where it says “type” you have to enter the number to identify the kind of creature you want to invoke. However, you can enter the word or name to be more specific.
Number | Word |
0 | Raptor |
Say it | |
Trike | |
1 | Raptor |
Carnotaurus | |
Thylacoleo | |
2 | Rex |
Spino | |
Paracer | |
Therizinosaur | |
3 | Rex |
Rex with Tek Saddle | |
Daeodon | |
Yutyrannus | |
Therizinosaur | |
Flyers | Pteantedonrano |
Tapejara with Tek Saddle | |
Argentavis | |
Quetzal | |
Mek | 3 Meks, one with each module. |
SiegeMek | Mek |
M.S.C.M. | |
Element | |
Cannon Shell (Extinction): | |
MissleMek | Mek |
M.R.L.M. | |
Element | |
Rocketpod | |
ShieldMek | Mek |
M.D.S.M. | |
Element | |
Argent | Argentavis |
Extinction | Enforcer |
Gasbags | |
Snow Owl | |
Gacha | |
Managarmr | |
Velonasaur |
Ark Console Commands: Tele Transportation
With these commands you can quickly travel to any place on the island.
| Result |
TPCoords Lat Lon Altitude | Moves you to a specified location instantly. |
Teleportation | It moves you forward until you collide with something. |
TeleportPlayerIDToMe PlayerID | Move a specified player towards you. |
TeleportPlayerNameToMe PlayerName | Move a specified player to you. |
TeleportToPlayer PlayerID | Moves you to a specified player. |
Ark Console Commands: Creative mode
A series of Ark Console Commands quite practical are those that give you the opportunity to enable creative mode. With it, you will be able to eliminate all material weight restrictions and manufacturing requirements among many other important benefits.
Command | Achievement |
GiveCreativeMode | Sets you in creative mode. |
GiveCreativeModeToTarget | Toggle creative mode for the players you target. |
GiveCreativeModeToPlayer PlayerID | Toggle a player’s creative mode with their ID. |
Ark Console Commands: Dinosaurs of Genesis
Here are the Ark Console Commands in Genesis to unlock new creatures to ride and breed.
Commands | Active |
shapeshifter_small_character_bp_c | Little ferox |
spacewhale_character_bp_c | Astrocetus |
bogspider_character_bp_c | Bloodstalker |
shapeshifter_small_character_bp_c | Small Ferox |
shapeshifter_large_character_bp_c | Large Ferox |
cherufe_character_bp_c | Magmasaur |
giantturtle_character_bp_c | Megachelon |
insectswarmchar_bp_c | Insect Swarm |
Items in Genesis
Command | Description |
cheater gfi fishingnet 1 0 0 | To generate a fishing net |
cheat gfi claw 1 0 0 | Claws tek |
cheat gfi cruise 1 0 0 | Tek Cruise Missile |
cheat gfi ShoulderCannon 1 0 0 | Tek Shoulder Cannon |
cheat gfi TekAlarm 1 0 0 | Tek Alarm System |
cheat gfi TurtleShell 1 1 0 | Shell Fragment |
cheat gfi Flag_EelBoss 1 1 0 | Moeder Fang |
cheat gfi Flag_VRBoss 1 1 0 | VR Boss Fang |
cheat gfi Ambergris 1 1 0 | Ambergris |
cheat gfi GoldenNugget 1 1 0 | Golden Nugget |
cheat gfi HighQualityPollen 1 1 0 | High quality pollen |
cheat gfi RetrieveMegTooth 1 1 0 | Golden Striped Megalodon Tooth |
cheat gfi TrikeSkullHelmet_Retrieve 1 1 0 | Alpha X-Trike Skull |
cheat gfi Egg_Para_Fertilized_Bog 1 1 0 | Fertilized X-Parasaur Egg |
cheat gfi Egg_Raptor_Fertilized_Bog 1 1 0 | X-Raptor Click egg |
cheat gfi Egg_Spino_Fertilized_Bog 1 1 0 | Corferico X-Spino egg |
cheat gfi Egg_Tapejara_Fertilized_Bog 1 1 0 | Fertilized X-Tapejara egg |
cheat gfi Egg_Argent_Fertilized_Snow 1 1 0 | Fertilized X-Argentavis Egg |
cheat gfi Egg_Yuty_Fertilized_Snow 1 1 0 | X fertilized -Yutyrannus Egg |
cheat gfi Egg_Allo_Fertilized_Volcano 1 1 0 | X-Allosaurus fertilized egg |
cheat gfi Egg_Ankylo_Fertilized_Volcano 1 1 0 | X-Ankylosaurus fertilized egg |
cheat gfi Egg_Rex_Fertilized_Volcano 1 1 0 | Fertilized X-Rex egg |
cheat gfi Egg_Trike_Fertilized_Volcano 1 1 0 | Fertilized X-Trike Egg |
cheat gfi PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_BogSpider 1 1 0 | Bloodstalker Egg |
cheat gfi Egg_BogSpider_Fertilized 1 1 0 | Fertilized Bloodstalker Egg |
cheat gfi PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_GiantTurtle 1 1 0 | Megachelon Egg |
cheat gfi Egg_GiantTurtle_Fertilized 1 1 0 | Fertilized Megachelon egg |
gfi Egg_Cherufe_Retrieve 1 1 0 | Magmasaur Egg |
cheat gfi SpaceWhaleSaddle_Tek 1 1 0 | Astrocetus Tek Chair |
cheat gfi CherufeSaddle 1 1 0 | Magmasaur chair |
cheat gfi GiantTurtleSaddle 1 1 0 | Megachelon Chair platform |
cheat gfi Gen1AvatartBoots 1 0 0 | Avatar boots damaged |
cheat gfi Gen1AvatarGloves 1 0 0 | Damaged avatar gloves |
cheat gfi Gen1AvatarHelmet 1 0 0 | Avatar helmet damaged |
cheat gfi Gen1AvatarPants 1 0 0 | Avatar pants damaged |
cheat gfi Gen1AvatarShirt 1 0 0 | Corrupted Avatar Shirt |
cheat gfu OceanPlatform 1 0 0 | Metal Ocean Platform |
cheat gfi Wood_OceanPlatform 1 1 0 | Wooden Ocean Platform |
cheat gfi PressurePlate 1 0 0 | Pressure plate |
cheat gfi PrimalItemTrophy_EelBoss 1 1 0 | Moeder Trophy |
cheat gfi EelBoss_Alpha 1 1 0 | Alpha Moeder Trophy |
cheat gfi EelBoss_Beta 1 1 0 | Beta Moeder Trophy |
cheat gfi EelBoss_Gamma 1 1 0 | Gamma Moeder Trophy |
cheat gfi PrimalItemTrophy_MasterController 1 1 0 | Master Controller Trophy |
cheat gfi Lootcrate_lvl1 1 1 0 | Lootcrate level 1 |
cheat gfi Lootcrate_lvl2 1 1 0 | Tier 2 Lootcrate |
cheat gfi Lootcrate_lvl3 1 1 0 | Tier 3 Lootcrate |
cheat GFI MiniHLNA 1 0 0 | Mini-HLNA |
cheat gfi MasterControllerHelmet 1 1 0 | Master Controller Helmet |
cheat GFI Drill 1 0 0 | Mining Drill |
cheat gfi WeaponBow_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Glove bow |
cheat gfi ChainSaw_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | chainsaw gauntlet |
cheat gfi WeaponClusterGrenade_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | gauntlet cluster grenade |
cheat gfi WeaponCompoundBow_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | arc compound gauntlet |
cheat gfi WeaponMachinedPistol_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Manufactured Gun |
cheat gfi WeaponMachinedSniper_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Fabricated Sniper |
cheat gfi WeaponBow_Flame_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Flame Arc |
cheat gfi WeaponCrossbow_Flame_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Flame Crossbow |
cheat gfi WeaponSpear_Flame_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Flame Spear |
cheat gfi WeapFlamethrower_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Flamethrower |
cheat gfi WeaponGrenade_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | gauntlet granada |
cheat gfi WeaponOneShotRifle_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Longneck Rifle |
cheat gfi WeaponMetalHatchet_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Metal Hatchet |
cheat gfi WeaponSword_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Metal Sword |
cheat gfi WeaponPike_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Pike |
cheat gfi WeaponMachinedShotgun_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Pump Shotgun |
cheat gfi WeaponRocketLauncher_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Rocket Launcher |
cheat gfi WeaponMachinedPistol_Holosight_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Sighted Fabricated Pistol |
cheat gfi WeaponGun_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Simple Pistol |
cheat gfi WeaponSpear_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Spear |
cheat gfi WeaponTekClaws_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Tek Claws |
cheat gfi WeaponTekGrenadeLauncher_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Tek Grenade Launcher: |
cheat gfi TekRifle_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Tek Rifle |
cheat gfi TekSniper_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Tek Sniper |
cheat gfi WeaponTekSword_Gauntlet 1 1 0 | Gauntlet Tek Sword |
Latest observations
To end this extensive tour where we met the entire world of Ark console commands and their various variants, you may consider that we have already become a kind of experts on them. But the truth is that we leave some tips for last.
With the sole purpose of improving your experience enjoying this great game, to finish with this guide on the console commands ARK we have the duty to warn you that these commands are only valid for the solo game mode. However, if you are in multiplayer mode, you will have to be the server administrator for them to work. Otherwise, you run the risk of the game crashing and crashing suddenly.
In addition, you can not worry about entering a code in upper or lower case since the game does not distinguish between them. A huge advantage to be able to enjoy Ark without major problems with these commands.
Before you go check this related posts:
- Minecraft console commands
- Skyrim console commands
- Fallout 3 console commands
- Subnautica Below Zero console commands
- Dragon Age Origins console commands
Consequently, if you follow these recommendations about the console commands ARK to the letter, you will be able to enjoy a unique survival experience of its kind and you will find a game that will put each and every one of your skills to the test to the max.
Bien resumido, thanks